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Q I Am A Partner In A Local Garage And We
are considering specializing in heavy recovery. The points I would like you to clear up for me are.— (1) We use a Scammell Pioneer breakdown and due to its weight (13i tons) and......
Q Can You Answer The Following Questions
for me? (1) If a man drives a goods vehicle for over 4 hours per day and then drives a goods vehicle or psv for another employer are these hours counted towards his 60 hours......
O . I Am Intending To Run A Private Car
carrying goods for reward for one hour per day, six days per week The rest of the time it will be for private use only. If I register and insure it for goads, does this comply......
N Is A Lorry Specially Constructed For Spreading Grit And
snow-ploughing exempt from road tax, plating and testing and also can it be run on red diesel? Is the driver bound by the new driving regulations? A A vehicle specially......
Q I Recently Read Of A Unit Which Was
described as an alternative to the mechanically operated type of flashing beacon, but it was my understanding that beacons fitted to road vehicles had to emit a beam of light......