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The Common Room
by George Wilmot Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London. Haulage training groups have an educational role THE IMPORTANCE of the work of road haulage training......
New Companies
Brief Deliveries Lad. Cap: £100. Objects: To carry cya the business of providers of a delivery and collection servIce, etc. Din: M. R. Saunders. Sonia R. Saunders, 46 Pangbourne......
Dates For Your Diary
The next seven days from Sept. 18-Sept. 24 FRIDAY Start of 25th International Commercial 'Motor Show. Earls Court London, Ends September 26. IRTE ISouth Wales) meetin g :......
Anti-theft Devices
by Inspector K. W. Norman, Crime Prevention Section, New Scotland Yard. • Most new models of light vans which are derivatives of cars are being produced with anti-theft devices......