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Hree Tails Wag He Dog
1E PROLIFERATION of group inferences with the Road lulage Association must tend drain the main annual inference, at which the tendance has declined for irious reasons. Whether......
1161 For The Rha Onference
iE IDEA of holding the RHA Irma' conference abroad has 3en kicked around for years. It as once suggested even that a ler should be chartered for a uise around Britain — a......
Grit Left In Old Fire Engines
DOWN IN ESSEX the County Council's supplies department has come-up with a cost-cutting brainwave. The department has saved £11,500 by converting an old fire appliance chassis to......
1,800 Nfc Shareholders
HAD I (perish the thought) strayed into the melee at Cardiff's Arms Park for the England v Wales match? No, I was one of some 1,800 civilised people making my way towards the......
10,500 Capitalists Scent Rich Pickings
THE 10,500 NFC shareholders are no piggy-bank savers and those who went to Birmingham did not go just for the ride. They were your actual capitalists, whose appetite for wealth......