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Astern La Reserves Ecision On Case With !ommon Market...
Nhen Mr H. E. Robson, the Eastern 'eserved his decision at a public inquiry id that the case was an important one, licated and with overtones of the non Market. He was hearing......
!st Case Driver Loses Appeal
k 42-year-old driver, Mr William ie, who failed in an appeal to Tort magistrates last week, against Slorth Western Licensing Authority's al to grant him a Class I hgv ig licence......
Wo-vehicle Licence Revoked No Anned Maintenance
[he licence specifying two vehicles ging to Mr E. Murphy of Woolston, lampton, was revoked by the South rn deputy LA last week and an apion to add one more vehicle refused ring......
Wet Weather Blamed For Overload
• A tipper operator had paid little attention to the mileage of his vehicles and his preventive maintenance inspections were not frequent enough in relation to the rough work to......