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Euro Lorry Inches Into Eec's Focus
ki EEC AGREEMENT on lorry weights came a step closer at last sek's meeting of transport ministers in Luxembourg, with comissioner Giorgios Kontogeorgis forecasting, perhaps......
It Could Be Worse
RITAIN's roads would be in a r less acceptable state if a 20 onne gross weight limit was perated, Transport Under acretary Lynda Chalker said at week. She was addressing a......
Rha Chairs Test Panel
THE ROAD Haulage Association Is to chair the Vehicle Operators' Advisory Panel on Heavy Goods Vehicle Testing, the body established to monitor the test station network as it......
Hauliers Want Own Board
A SEPARATE road haulage industry training board, with an industry-nominated chairman and a staff of 50, should be created as a matter of urgency, according to the Road Haulage......