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Driver Sacked For Sticking To His Hours
SCOTTISH lorry driver who refused to drive to Wick in two nights as acting within his rights as he said it was not possible to make e journey in that time without breaking the......
ECURICOR has been named as stributor for England, Scotnd and Wales for the Finglas nge of vehicle antennas. The antennas will be used by labile radio users including cal......
First Aid
NEW FIRST AID regulations coming into force at the start of July have prompted the British Safety Council to extend its industrial first aid training course from three to four......
Felixstowe Up By 40pc
ONTAINER traffic through the port of Felixstowe increased by over LI per cent during 1981 to a new record of 348,930 boxes. This is an Icrease of 103,049 containers on the 1980......