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Appeal Of 'unorthodox' Operator Allowed
T ' appeal of H. M. Sutcliffe Ltd.. Littleborough, against the refusal of the North Western Licensing Authority to grant a B-to-A switch involving one vehicle, has been allowed......
Marathon Address In Transporter Appeal
roTOTOR VEHICLE COLLECTIONS LVI LTD., and B. J. Henry Ltd., appealed before the Tribunal on Tuesday and Wednesday against the decision of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority to......
Regan Bros. Ask For More
A N application by Regan Bros. (Hault1 age) Ltd., London, El, to add six articulated vehicles together with refrigerated containers to an A licence, met strong opposition when......
Evidence Of Need Not Sufficient T He Appeal By D. R.
Munson to the Transport Tribunal against the refusal of the Eastern deputy Licensing Authority to grant an additional A licence for four vehicles, has been refused. (See The......