19th March 1965, Page 43
19th March 1965
Page 43

Page 43, 19th March 1965
Alex Kitson Urges Co-op' To Rationalize Its Transport
rHE suggestion that the Co-operative movement should examine the possioility of rationalizing neighbouring translort services, even although they did not fish to effect full......
New Livestock Transport Scheme
NEW door-to-door service for the -1 delivery of Irish livestock in Great ritain was announced this week by the ational Farmers' Union. the British ailways Board and the Road......
Tdg £3•79m. Profit
G ROUP profit,, before tax, of the Transport Development Group for 1964 was £3,792,636, compared with £2,768,567 in 1963. A final dividend of 91 per cent gives a total of 14 per......