Page 18

Road Pricing Too Difficult
• The Road. Research Laboratory had carried out extensive examination of roadpricing devices, but at present the difficulties involved in using them on the roads appeared to......
'more Than A Truck'
• A new film has been added to the Vauxhall/Bedford Film Library and had its premiere in London on March 5. In colour, it presents sequences which show Bcdfords in some of the......
Iot's Canada Tour
• Plans for the Institute of Transport's 1,971 study tour of Eastern Canada, May 24 to June 6, are advancing well, 100 places having already been filled; another 40 can be......
Depot In Dover
• E. W. Taylor and Co (Forwarding) Ltd, whose head office is in 7 to 17 Jewry Street, London, has opened a branch office in Dover which provides a 24-hr general freight......
Clause For Concern Withdrawn
• The VITA has been successful in obtaining the withdrawal of a clause in a Private Member's Bill (CM February 5) before Parliament which would have banned any vehicle carrying......
Tdg Turnover
• The Transport Development Group's turnover for 1970 approached £66m—more than £10m up on the 1969 figure. Other record results turned in by TDG include: £12,427,000 group......
Bristol Ldoy
• New secretary for the Bristol round of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition is Mr D. L. Damsell of the BRS Driver Training Centre, Spring Street, Bristol (Bristol 664681).......
Translift Freight Fast Loader
• The caption which should have accompanied the picture at the top of page 23 last week reads as follows: Fast handling of lightweight insulating blocks is achieved by a special......
Tribute To Hauliers
• The excellent relationship between the police and operators of road haulage vehicles and their drivers in Cornwall was praised by the deputy chief constable and district......