19th November 1971, Page 28
19th November 1971
Page 28

Page 28, 19th November 1971
Mr Peyton Has Second Thoughts On Minibus Freedom
• Speaking at the Public Road Transport Association's annual dinner in London on Thursday of last week, Mr John Peyton, Minister for Transport Industries, raised a loud cheer......
Busmen Claiming 15 P.c. Shift Rise
• Last week municipal bus employers refused a claim for a shift allowance of £2.62+ a week for drivers and £2.55 for platform staff—the equivalent of a 15 per cent rise on basic......
Receiving Order Against Calvert Tours
• A receiving order has been made against Mr Edgar Cecil Calvert, the head of Calvert Tours of South Bank, and a public examination into the business affairs of Mr Calvert is to......