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Managers Join Drivers' Delegation To Tgwu
by John Darker • A conflict between drivers and branch 535 of the TGWU which began on August 16 led to a mass lobby of Transport House in London on Monday. The drivers, employed......
Advance Handling System For Boc
• British Oxygen has introduced a new patented cylinder handling and transport system for trunking industrial gas cylinders between BOC branches. utilizing 24-ton artics, with......
Tml Committee Carries On
• After the Transport Manager's Licence Committee had met on Wednesday, the chairman, Mr Derek Joyce, issued a statement saying that the purpose of the meeting had been to......
Unions Unite
• The five-year-old proposed merger between the Transport and General Workers' Union and the National Union of Vehicle Builders became reality on Monday when a ballot among the......
E. London Night Parking Ban Starts
• First stage in the GLC's campaign to tackle the problem of lorries parking overnight in the street began on Monday with a pilot scheme in part of Tower Hamlets. The area......