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It's Long Been An Odd Quirk Of Road Transport Law
that there is no legal requirement for seat-belts to be fitted inside truck cabs. But from March 2001 all that is poised to change. Steve McQueen reports. C onsider the logic of......
Driver's Viewpoint
John Plant has been a professional truck driver for 42 of his 60 years. The kind of loads he delivers include phosphoric acid, a Class 8 dangerous substance. He is one of about......
Seat-belts P , Until The New Seat-belt Regulations Come...
next March, their fitment is governed by the Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations. Their use is currently covered by the Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat-belts)......
European Week For Safety And Health
European Week for Safety and Health (EWS&H) runs from 16-22 October. In the UK it coincides with Back Care Week, which is designed to reduce back pain and musculo-skeletal......