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Betty Booth
1 et's face it, up to now the genera] election has been a dismally unprofitable affair with the political parties spending their cash without any guaranteed return — in the case......
From Purr To Eternity
ost cats are content to sit by the fireside and leave long car journeys to their foolish owners — not so Midlands tabby Gateaux. To this adventurous moggy it was a piece of cake......
Feel The Width
hadow Transport Secretary John Prescott has given a typically scathing reaction to Government plans to widen the M25. Prescott believes traffic will expand to fill whatever......
Purple Haze
ill he Love Generation reckons that if you can remember what you were doing in the sixties, you can't have been doing much. Maybe this explains why vehicle paint manufacturer,......
Thirsty Work
he recent turmoil in Moscow, when thousands took to the streets to protest against the hardliners intended coup, failed to interrupt delivery of Newcastle Brown Ale to thirsty......
Turning Japanese
N ome November a pair of giant sumo wrestlers will materialise in front of London's Euston station struggling to hold a huge Freightliner container above their heads. Harassed......