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Soft Sell Is Lacking
• I refer to the "Soft sell" article by Paul Fisher in your new technology issue (CM 15-21 Aug). One of the subtitles was Buyers Guide in this feature. Surely it would suggest......
Rha Attacked
• Many hauliers in the North Notts coalfield area must be waiting with bated breath and scepticism for the outcome of the Road Haulage Association's application to the Office of......
Preferential Treatment
• I feel forced with rage to reply to P Clark's letter about the John Dee Group. I fear Mr Clark must have a considerably biased opinion of John Davison; he is obviously lucky......
Limiter Law Liked
• Your article on speed limiters (CM 22-28 Aug) provides the wrong impression about the Freight Transport Association's views on the principle of such legislation. The FTA......