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As Independent As They Come
by Martin Watkins "PEOPLE around here need a bus service," Bernard Cheek, joint owner of Harrow-based Elmtree Transport, told me. That's why, rather than in hope of making very......
Wasting Away
This must be waste paper month at the DoE since it has launched on an unsuspecting population two tomes, both out of date and equally useless, Take, first, the Cairncross......
Now Read On
The DoE's second effort almost matches the first in historical insignificance. It is the Reports of the Traffic Commissioners for the year ended March 31, 1974; that is no......
Off The Rails
What is even more disturbing is that British Rail's E300m loss for last year is likely to be succeeded by one of over £400m this year. It is surely by now apparent that we can......
Patching Up
While the Treasury was handing Richard Marsh £312n to balance his books, Dr Gilbe was announcing a cut-back in trunk road maintenance and urging local authorities to do the same......
In 1517 when the Worshipful Ccimpany of Carmen was formed they lived in the peaceful pre-rail, horsedrawn days. Between then and 1848 the company developed until It was granted......