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Operational Safety In The United States
by John Darker, AMB' TRANSPORT MANAGERS in Britain sometimes suggest that they are burdened by more controls and regulations than apply in any other country. It is salutary to......
3auging Water
gauging paste for indicating e presence of water in petrol oil storage tanks has been roduced by A. Levermare. When applied to a dipstick e paste is bright blue. It is affected......
aretch lope pw-stretch rope made by )rdes Europe France from Du mt Kevlar 29 and 49 fibres now available from John W. orris. The rope, which has breaking strength better than......
Pressure Washers
rom Reekitt Industries comes Hydromics range of pressure 'ostlers developed for the =sport industry. They can perate with or without ternicals at pressures of up to 3,790kN/sqm......
Cold Clean
A new model cold pressure cleaner, the Lightning Maxi Plus, has been introduced by Contractors Pumps (Tamworth). The Maxi Plus incorporates a four-piston pump coupled , directly......
Auto Oil Drainer
For the past year WMP has been marketing for most makes of car a sump-oil draining unit. The company is now entering the commercial vehicle field with the first unit being......