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Paris Convention
• The 12th International Week of Transport and Logistics is to be held at the Paris Convention Centre (Parc des Expositions) on 2831 March 1995. There will be 473 exhibitors, 30......
Barclays Deal
• Barclays Bank has lowered the minimum amount its business customers need to keep on deposit in a highinterest business account from £10,000 to £2,000. Contact Tim Baxter on......
• Inter Forward Freight Services has added a daily road-ferry trailer service on its Paris to London route in conjunction with its French partner Ramboud International. The......
Fh Rentals
• Dawsonrental now has more than 50 new Volvo FH tractor units and 18 tonne rigids available from its 35 regional offices. To find out your nearest depot contact the firm on......
Legal Contacts
• Commercial Motor is preparing a new edition of the Legal Directory which lists transport lawyers, expert witnesses, haulage consultants and suppliers of legal services. If you......
Approved Devices
• The Association of British Insurers (AB1) has issued its fifth list of approved vehicle security devices. All systems have been evaluated at the Motor Insurance Repair......
Street By Name
• Ordnance Survey has produced maps showing named streets in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Kent, Hertfordshire and Berkshire. From all OS approved stockists, they cost 112.95......
Be Seen
• The manufacturer of Scotchlite reflective materials, 3M, has produced a free explanatory booklet on the implications of European Directives on the use of highvisibility......
Security Systems
• The Scimitar range of electronically controlled vehicle immobilisers and alarms has been launched by Conlog. Contact (0295) 253400......
Data Link
• Inmarsat is offering free software for companies to assess the cost benefits of installing its Inmarsat-C mobile satellite data communication which can be used to talk to......
Get Loaded
• Automated telescopic conveyors are now available from Sovex to solve vehicle loading problems. They are pre-programmable to distribute items systematically within the internal......
Winter Ahead
• Serk Marston is now selling its own brand of antifreeze in 2.5-litre and fivelitre containers. These will be sold alongside 25 and 60-litre bulk drums. The anti-freeze......
Actual Against Plan
• The Loa routeing and scheduling software now has the Track-LogiX module which can monitor a truck's position against the planned route and report differences. Contact 021-585......
• For the latest road news around the UK simply contact one of the following AA Hotline numbers (calls cost 36p/min offpeak; 48p at all other times): West Country: (08361 401......