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What A Lottery We Got 0 Luiew There Had To Be
a truck involved somewhere; just my luck that Noel Edmonds is standing in front of it. Yes, the National Lottery is indeed aided and abetted by a Leyland Daf 45 Series, used by......
Tip Up And Au.a
t last a car that levitates--handy for avoiding damage on uneven roads and queue. jumping in traffic jams. It should also reduce tyre wear. The flying Ford was spotted during......
The End Of An Era
3 oing, going, almost gone...The British Army is selling the last few of its once-vast fleet of Bedford MK series trucks at an MOD auction on 13 December. About 350 MKs will be......
Ignorance Is Bus
espite the fact that today, 1 December, is World Aids Day, much needs to be done to dispel the ignorance of the public transport workers of Broward County, Florida. It seems......
We Know What They Mean But...
hat is the explanation for the often-startling manner in which roadsigns are written—are the disturbing messages encountered the world over intended to keep drivers awake or......