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The Common Room
Work that rarely sees the light of day AT the turn of the year I wrote of the value of articles giving background and current information on road transport topics in the......
New Companies
Niglirtpae Ltd. Cap.: £100. Object: To carry on the business of operating services by night and at other times for the carriage by road of packages, etc. Subs.: D. Tattersall,......
Dates For Your Diary
The next seven days from May 1-May 7 FRIDAY !RTE {South Wales) agm. The Institute of Engineers. Park Place, Cardiff, 7.15 p.m. Start of loTA annual conference. New Bath Hotel.......
Commercial Motor Publications And Seminars
All the books, booklets and reprints published in association with CM are obtainable from the Sales Dept.1PC Business Press Ltd. 161 Fleet St, London EC4 01-353 5011). Where......