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Roof Rack
A new commercial roof rack has been added to the range made by Freeline. Named the CR8. the roof rack measures 4ft by 8ft and is made of tubular steel with bright, zinc plated......
Drawer Units
Storage of small and medium size articles is provided for in the Telford range of steel drawer cabinets introduced by WeIconstruct. There are 252 units in the new range all of......
Warning Device
A warning that the level of water in a vehicle cooling system has reached a dangerous level is given by the Radolarm equipment from Thomas Electronics. Until now, larger......
Lubrication System
A warning-light system is incorporated in new automaticlubrication equipment for commercial vehicles introduced by Lubrication Equipment. The lubrication system is called A.L.F.......
H And Stacker
Following the successful launching last year of its Hycaddy HS5 and HS10 Mark II hand stackers, Kelvin Engineering is now producing a 1-ton-capacity manually propelled......