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Lane Changes At Bucks
• Nigel Lane is the new National Business Development manager at distribution specialists Bucks of London. He was formerly with the NFC where he was contract sales manager.......
Jacobson Replaces Bahnsen At Ford
• Andy Jacobson, Ford of Europe's chief designer, is to replace Uwe Bahnsen as the company's vice president of design. Jacobson joined Ford in 1965 and has previously worked at......
Knox Manager At Laidlaw Ift
• lain Knox has been appointed general manager of , Laidlaw Trucks, the Iveco Ford truck dealership based at I Bellshill in Strathclyde. Prior to joining Laidlaw, Knox was......
Page Moves Into Interlube Systems
• Philip Page is the new sales director of Interlube Systems of Plymouth Well known in the commercial vehicle and mobile plant industries, Page was previously sales director of......
Tiphook's Non-exec • J Kenneth Dick Has Been Appointed A
non-executive director of Tiphook of Bromley, Kent — the international trailer and container rental group. He is also a non-executive director of N M Rothschild & Sons.......
• News Overseas
French reprisals • In a move likely to embarrass the British Government, French Transport Minister Jacques Douffiagues has announced reprisals against countries who tax French......
Soviet Gas Trucks
• Kamaz diesel trucks which can bum natural gas are being tested in the Soviet Union. In the first 10 minutes after it is started the engine burns oil in order to heat it up;......
Brenner Tali Up
• The annual season ticket rate for the toll on the Brenner motorway in Austria increased from 17,000 to 25,000 Schillings on October 1. Nutzfahrzeug, October.......
Spanish Hgv Drop
• Sales of heavy goods vehicles in Spain dropped by 29.7% to 4,854 vehicles in 1985, mainly because of a contraction by the two leading manufacturers, Motor %erica' and Ensa.......
• Italian and Spanish truck operators are worried about the planned liberalisation of the transport industry within the EEC. The main problem is the structure of the industry in......
Portugal's New Roads
III The European Community Bank has agreed to a loan of 25 million Portuguese escudos to improve the Portuguese road network. The project includes new sections of motorway in......
IN The international truck link between Leningrad and Orsja, due to be opened early in 1987, will shorten the route between Finland and several East European states by around......