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Viking's Fines Cut
• A Lancashire haulage company which operated vehicles taxed at the private light goods rate has had its fines of 211,700 cut down to 25,000 at Preston Crown Court. Viking......
Movement Restrictions On Nc Depot
• Environmental objections from the Borough of Watford and local residents have led to Metropolitan Licensing Authority Air Vice Marshal Ronald Ashford imposing a restriction on......
Cowan Wins New Licence
III Felixstowe-based Cowan Bros (Haulage), whose licence was revoked last November when the company and its directors were disqualified from holding a licence for one month, has......
Hymas Nine Hit On Hours
• Failures to take sufficient weekly rest cost Alfred Hymas and nine of the company's drivers 21,330 in fines and costs when they appeared before Harrogate magistrates, The......