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Goods Transport
Fewer Prohibitions In August ik/fINISTRY OF TRANSPORT vehicle 1Y1 examiners carried out spot checks on 13,651 heavy goods vehicles during August at roadside sites and at the......
Customs Hold Up Tir Carnets For Tax
BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY IF they gave away weekly prizes for the 1 best performance in red tape procedure, I am sure this week's prize would go to HM Customs and Excise. For, during......
Liner Trains : Where We All Came In. .
From our Industrial Correspondent N O sooner had the Minister of Transport made his confident forecast that liner trains would be running before the end of the year (The......
Ta To Visit Scania
XTEXT Thursday (October 7) a small 1`11 party of members of the Transport Association, headed by their chairman, Mr. K. Beresfbrd, managing director of Beresford Transport Ltd„......