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Ford's Light Laser Vans
• As predicted by Commercial Motor (7-13 July issue), Ford has announced the availability of two special editions of the Escort and Fiesta "Laser" vans. Both vans have the......
Ibc Vehicles Denies Isuzu Replacement
• Rumours have been circulating about recruitment at the Luton IBC Vehicles plant, and personnel changes at Vawdiall may indicate that the UK will get an Isuzu-built replacement......
Ca Calls For Suzuki Test Speed Up
• The Consumers' Association has called on Roads and Traffic Minister Peter Bottomley to speed up the Department of Transport's plans for testing the Suzuki SJ413 and SJ410. The......
Harrods Buys A Fleur De Lys Fleet
• Harrods has splashed out on an exclusive fleet of "vintage" vans made by Fleur De Lys Automobiles of Newark. Each reproduction costs a hefty .£40,000. The vans are powered by......