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Survey Surveyed • I Have Just Read Your Edition Of
Commercial Motor which contained your 1988 parcels survey. As a distribution manager for a fairly large organisation which uses the services of one of the carriers in the......
Vw Parts Down • Your Parts Prices Feature "going Spare"...
When we at Volkswagen checked your figures we found the Transporter's parts to be the cheapest among the nine selected one-tonne vans, and not fourth as published. Presumably......
Show Your True Colours
• You report that buses have been privatised, but could I make the following observation. They are privatised, but not de-nationalised. There are no returns to old liveries. For......
Plate Coaches
• I would like to reply to the article you had in your magazine of the 28 July about coaches being overloaded. I think, being an ex-coach driver and now a lorry driver, that......