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Common Market Industries Attack Published Rates
—but Trade Bodies Favour Forked Tariffs T HE Union of Industries of the European Community industrial federations of "the Six "—have now commented officially on the Schaus......
The Myth Of "empty Running "
" QINCE when has empty running been kJ a criterion of e ffi ciency? This is a much-vaunted myth that is only advanced by the ill-informed." So said Mr. K. C. Turner, president......
Exhaust Checks Welcome Up To A Point
" WE welcome smoke checks—up to a VI' point," was how Mr. J. B. Mitchell, the National Chairman of the R.H.A., put the Association's view on proposals by the Minister to carry......
Bus Pay Agreement
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE lon g -drawn-out bus pay talks are at last approachin g settlement. After ei g ht and a half hours' hard bar g ainin g on Monday, union......