20th April 1962, Page 38
20th April 1962
Page 38

Page 38, 20th April 1962
Textile Terminal's Busy Traffic
lkilORE than 100,000 yd. of cloth are al moved daily between Huddersfield and London by Hanson Haulage, Ltd., whose new depot, illustrated on this page, was opened last-week. A......
Historic Vehicle Clubs Combine
First London-to-Brighton Run in May RINCE the first of this month, three 1 .-. 7 organizations concerned with the preservation of commercial vehicles have merged into one body.......
Hauliers Left High And Dry, Says Western L.a.
WHEN two young men applied to the VY Western Licensing Authority at Bristol last week for a licence to carry for a firm of agricultural lime merchants, they and the firm were......