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A , Intend Joining The Territorial Army
Volunteer Reserve as a driver. This will involve driving 10-ton carrying-capacity heavy vehicles. I am 22 years of age and hold a driving licence for cars only—not a group 1......
What Is The Purpose Of A Third Differential And How Does...
A A third differential prevents "wind-up of the two driven axles of a bogie relative to each other resulting from variations in tyre diameters. If the average diameter of the......
A What Books Should I Purchase For Guidance On...
commercial vehicles and also for information on transport and distribution management and fleet operation? A The following books should provide some ^ useful information on......
A What Is A Free-piston Engine And Is An Engine Of This...
A A free-piston engine is more correctly a free-piston gasifier that is used in conjunction with a turbine. The free-piston section takes the place of the burner, or burners, of......
A A Friend Owns A Short-wheelbase Land-rover Which Tows A...
weighing over 30cvvt unladen but under 3.5 tons when fully laden. This is run in the course of his greengrocery business. Could you please tell me whether:— (a) The trailer......