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Super Buses For Stevenage?
• Would the serving of coffee and doughnuts by - personable young ladies" help to popularize bus travel? Planning consultant Prof. Nathaniel Lichfield thinks it could and he has......
Seddon Coach With 6.354 Is Quiet
111 One of the first luxury-bodied Seddon 'ermine IV chassis to be delivered to an Terator was demonstrated on Tuesday. Hie vehicle belongs to Hanworth Acorn - 2.oaches and is......
Oxford Radio Plan
• An announcement that the North Riding County Council is prepared to subsidize rural bus services in approved cases for a six-month trial period has brought hopes to many......
Hopes For Yorks Rural Subsidies
• A plan for bus inspectors to have radio contact with the City of Oxford Motor Services offices to give the public more warning of bus delays and non-arrivals is being......
More Money From Fewer Travellers
• Passengers carried on public transport by road and rail in Great Britain in 1968 totalled 11,741m, a fall of 397m or one per cent compared with 1967. The figure represents a......
Tyneside Pte To Raise Fares?
• The newly formed Tyneside PTE is understood to be considering substantial bus fare increases at Newcastle Upon Tyne and South Shields. Cllr. Neville Trotter, chairman of the......