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Tough Times For Waste Cowboys
• I am responding to the article "London waste threat law" in the 23-29 January edition of Commercial Motor. If you are in the business of carrying waste then you must be......
Buy British
II I wish to echo the comments from David Brain of Chassis Developments' regarding Bedfordshire County Council's recent purchase of Hino Trucks (CM 30 Jan-5 Feb). I just do not......
Forwarder Control
• Last summer, when work was hard to come by, we followed up an advertisement in a magazine. It had appeared on a number of occasions, so we checked the freight forwarder out......
Good Repute
• Time and again I have read in Commercial Motor of hauliers going under after being run illegally or having a string of offences against them, and yet it seems that they have......
Close Finish
• Leyland Daf is less than fair in its advertisement on the back page of Commercial Motor (30 Jan-5 Feb). In reproducing only the interim table from your breakdown test (CM......