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• Coventry Haulier Neil Bartlett Will Return To...
Truckfest at the East of England Showground on 3-4 May. The company's Volvo fleet is a past winner of the Best Kept Fleet competition; this year Bartlett's will also enter the......
Tax Blitz • Operators Running Without Tax Discs In Areas
patrolled by the Grampian and Northern Police are warned they face fines of over £15,000 if caught in the current tax dodging campaign.......
Road Protests Ii Plans To Widen The M25 At A
cost of Z2.8bn could destroy 81 wildlife sights, according to the Royal Society for Nature Conservation.......
Safer Signs • The Automobile Association Has Called For...
siting of lamp posts and signs to cut down on 22,000 injuries a year caused when vehicles collide with street furniture.......
Ringing Changes • All Commercial Motor Phone Numbers Will...
from the morning of Monday 24 February. Our 081-661 prefix will become 081-652. For example, our main enquiry number will change from 081-661 3681 to 081-652 3681.......
Green Row On Limestone
• Derbyshire councillors warn of an "environmental disaster" if hauliers win a contract to deliver 70 loads of limestone a day.. to the Ratcliffe on Soar, Notts power station.......
Swift Sell-off From Lep
• Months of uncertainty ()vet the future of Swift Transport Services ended this week as senior management bought the UK transport subsidiary from the Lep Group for Y.26111.......
Export Sales Rise
• Overseas orders are helping UK truck manufacturers to survive depressing domestic sales, according to figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. During......
What's Your Sign?
• Surrey Police and the Department of Transport are asking for drivers' opinions on the experimental "variable message" signs which have been erected on the M25, junctions 8-13.......