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Changes Could Hit Diabetics
I NOTICED ON Roadtransport. corn that there could be changes to HGV drivers' medical standards, especially for those with diabetes, epilepsy and poor vision. I wonder if this......
Ic Is Right The Industry Is Not Behind Driver Cpc
BEVERLEY BELL, Traffic Commissioner for the North Western traffic area, is bang on the money that the transport industry as a whole has failed to embrace Driver CPC (CM 13......
Unite Talks Only Of Strikes
WHY DOES UNITE always start to talk about strikes when fuel increases happen (CM 13 January)? I have yet to hear the union talk about, and defend, the fast-declining road......
Fame At Last
I PICKED UP A copy of Commercial Motor last week and I'm over the moon with the interview (CM 23 December 2010). Thanks so much. Fame at last — even though it doesn't look like......
Getting The Message Across
MOTORWAY COP S on BBC1 last week, featured the Central Motorway Police Group truck stopping an artic driver on the M42. He was on his phone and nearly three times over the......
Retrofitting Could Help
I READ THE ARTICLE in CM (6 January) about the impending LEZ Euro-4 deadline in January 2012 with interest. One thing that should be considered is retrofitting vehicles with......