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Leyland Gets Sel-m. Export Order For 750 Buses
I N the face of competition from 26 manufacturers from all over the world, Leyland Motors, Ltd., has obtained a £4m. order for 750 underfloor-engined passenger vehicles from the......
Big Fall In Bus Profits
H lGHER operational costs and a decline in traffic reflected themselves in last year's profits of Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., and the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., the......
Fuel Taxation—£143m.
rUSTOMS receipts on motor and aviation spirit totalled over £120m. in the year ended March 31. A further £19m. was obtained from Customs duties on derv. Excise revenue on motor......
U.k. Still World's Biggest Bus Maker
n URING the first quarter of the year. Britain maintained its position as the world's greatest producer of buses. In the field of commercial vehicles of all kinds, it took......
0.p.p.a. Official On Users' Committee: M.p.'s Question
T AST week, Mr. Poole asked the 1-1 Minister of Transport why Ur. F. W. Holdich, chairman of the Peterborough area of the Omnibus Passengers' Protection Association, was......
M.o.t. Supports Haulier
S AID by a solicitor to be the first application of its kind backed by the Ministry of Transport, Johnstons (Chopwell), Ltd., sought a licence from the Northern Licensing......
Nottingham Wins Again
I N the National first-aid competition organized by the National Road Passenger Transport . Ambulance Association and heldat Nottingham recently, Nottingham Transport Departmeat......
C.i.e. Loss £2.3m.
A SERIOUS financial position confronts Cores Tompair Eireann, Mr. S. Lemass. Minister of Industry and Commerce. told the Dail recently. The loss on the current year's working......
International Price Cuts
DRICE reductions of between 3 per cent. and 9.5 per cent. on light goods vehicles have been announced by the International Harvester Co. of Canada. Some models are 200 dollars......