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State Road Haulage Costs £3m. A Year
" MATIONALIZED road haulage has 1 1 1 not taken very long to get into the Ted," said Mr. R. B. Brittain, chairman of the Road Haulage Association's public relations committee,......
Swiss Consider Co-ordination ,
T O avoid the development of a chaotic situation, delegates of the Swiss Federal Railway, the Swiss road hauliers' association and the postal authorities met at Berne recently......
Universal Road-sign System?
S EVEN experts on road signs and signals will meet in Geneva on August 13 to devise a single world-wide road-sign system. Such a system cOuld replace the two main ones now in......
T.s. Reorganization I N His Annual Statement, Sir...
chairman of Tilling-Stevens, Ltd., says that considerable reorganization has been necessary to pave the way for efficient production. Some time will elapse before the works can......
Claims For P.o. Workers
rLAIMS for higher pay for 50,000 Post Office workers in the engineering, supplies and transport grades have been referred to arbitration. They are understood to be substantial.......
Merger Approved
T HE offer of Leyland Motors. Ltd., to acquire Albion Motors, Ltd., is reported to have been approved by the Albion shareholders.......
Are Bus Stations Desirable ?
T " provision of bus stations for ordinary stage-carriage services was a "questionable proposition," Mr. R. P. Beddow, chairman of Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., told......
Removers Anxiety Over B.r.s. Quotations
A NXIETY by Scottish furniture removers led the Scottish area of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers to submit the following resolution to the......
Seddons Boosted In Spain
A T the recent Barcelona Fair, Gordon L. Poole and Co., Southampton, was the only exhibitor to show a full range of British oil-engined vehicles. In conjunction with Messrs.......
"ban Level Crossings" I N 14 European Countries In 1949,
over 500 people were killed in accidents at level crossings. A working party of transport specialists of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has recently urged the......