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N.r.t.f. Calls For More Co-operation From Manufacturers
A LACK of suitable refreshment facilities at prices which drivers are able to pay and the high cost of attending disabled vehicles are two problems connected with motorways......
Mr. K. C. Turner Is New N.r.t.f. Chairman
A T the first meeting of the new council of the National Road Transport Federation following the annual general meeting on Wednesday, Mr. K. C. Turner, who is president of the......
Hovercraft Service Start Today
imoRE than 4,000 bookings were sai In to have been received in advance c the world's first fare-paying Hovercral service which is due to be inaugurate between Rhyl and Wallasey......
Five Portolite Ta Nkers For Suttons
A FTER describing an application as ambitious, and saying that it would not have a marked effect on rates, Mr. F. Williamson, representing the North Western Licensing Authority,......