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Railways Publish Bluepr
or Cuts BY S. BUCKLEY 1_IAULIERS are likely to be left with a clear field in many parts of the country I hf Dr. Beeching gets his way over reshaping British Railways. He is......
Compensatton For Bad Debts
A S from August 1 the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses will provide cover for all its haulier members in the unlikely event of any clearing house member......
Drivers Join Lorry Route Protests
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT • Q PPOSITION to the Minister of Transport's lorry route scheme to link Al and M1 with London's docks and markets is mounting. After protests......
Appeal. Court Hearings Held Up
DECAUSE the Transport Tribunal had 1 - 0 still not given their reasons in the successful Securicor, Ltd., appeals, the Master of the Roils, Lord Denning, agreed last Monday to......