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London Transport 'failed By Glc' Claim
LONDON TRANSPORT is being hindered from providing the best possible service by the Greater London Council, a union official has claimed. The council has failed to back London......
'sbg In Need Of Sanity
HIGHER FARES on the Scottish Bus Group are driving passengers away. And if SBG continues to force them up, the service will run itself into the ground. This is the forecast of......
Glasgow To Get New Garages
ONE OR MORE new bus garages will be built in Glasgow by 1984. Greater Glasgow PTE is negotiating for three possible sites in the city, one in part of a housing estate which may......
Pte Sells Scanias
SOUTH YORKSHIRE PTE is to sell all its Scania Metropolitan double-deckers next year, and other modern buses will follow. The four Metropolitans, bought in 1975 as part of the......
'no' To Invalid Concessions
NO PLANS exist for more people to get cheaper fares. This firm reply was given last week by Kenneth Clarke, Parliamentary Secretary for Transport, after Miss Jo Richardson......
Bigger Grout
SHROPSHIRE independeni coach group Whittle Coaches have now taken over th( Bridgenorth Shropshir( operation of Morris Coaches. The Whittle group will no operate a fleet of 55......