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Premises In London
I READ with very special interest John Durant's article, ''GLC says: We'll help the hauliers," (CM, June 8), but despite all efforts made by me, including an approach to Mr M.......
Cocker's U Braries
WITH REFERENCE to Stephen Geary's article on mobile libraries (CM, June 29) we should like to correct two points regarding the Edinburgh trailer mobiles. We are James Cockers of......
Bearing Break-up
WE ARE HOPING that some large Bedford fleet owners in the London area have come up with a modification to the following problem which we have in Hong Kong and to which General......
Britain's Number One
I HAVE been taking CM for the past 12 months and know that it is Britain's number one transport publication. I found it a great help in my CPC, which I obtained earlier in the......
Costlier Progress
HAVING just read the Hawk's comment on "Price of progress", (CMJune 29) I would just like to add a further comment. 20-odd years ago, when fuel was cheap and plentiful and......