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;roods Vehicles 27 Per Cent. Of ,total
rHE percentage of goods traffic on I Britain's roads, representing some 7 per cent. of all mechanical vehicles, now greater than before the war. - sere has been an all-round......
Should Social Club Hold Licence?
rONTROVERSY arose before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority last ek, when a glasSware Company's :•ial club applied for a' licence to run :ursicins and tours •'to enable their......
Russia Places Big Order Ussia' Has Placed A Large Order
with the British Straddle Carrier Co, nbridge, for a number of Timber If self-loading machines. Twentyhave already been delivered at a : of about £100,000, and others have n......
Who Should Run Pantomime Services?
S HouLo pantomime traffic be the preserve of regular operators, or be catered for specially by small coach proprietors? This question faced the South Wales Licensing Authority......
Toll For Road Reconstruction?
A SUGGESTION that tolls should be charged until the cost of reconstruction of the Great North Road through Kesteven is recovered is contained in the annual report of Mr. R. K.......
Discussion On Finance
A DISCUSSION on the place and treatment of transport finance and accounting in the Institute's examination scheme will be opened by Mr. R. E. G. Brown, M.Inst.T., and Mr. C. F.......
Sunderland Short Of Staff There Is A "desperate...
of platform staff in Sunderland Transport Department. The number of drivers and conductors has declined to the 1951 figure, the lowest recorded by the undertaking. Should there......
Vehicle Builders' Claim
A CLAIM for a substantial increase in pay for 20,000 workers has been submitted by the National Union of Vehicle Builders. The employers are to consider the claim,......
Government Pressed For Road Loan
THE continued failure of the Government to tackle the urgent problem of Britain's obsolete road system gave rise to outspoken criticism at a Meeting in London of the Standing......
• Smith's Change Name: Wider Interests Decause Of The Wider
sphere of aCtivities of the coinpany, Smith's Electric Vehicles, Ltd., have changed their title to Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd. Although the N.C.B. electric vehicle will......
Stacatruc Liquidation
R EG [STEREO on March 1, 1949, Staeatruc Development, Ltd., have gone into voluntary liquidation. The company were formed to safeguard the name " Stacatruc," and • to develop......
Busmen Were Wrong
B OLTON busmen were wrong to ban standing passengers during a recent four-day "work to rule" protest against duty schedules, according to an emergency committee of the National......