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Issuranee Of Roadrail Co-operation
" 4 0-OPERATION between the road and rail services of the British ransport Commission during the 3ming winter was assured because ;nationalization would not start until ebruary,......
Bus Companies Profits " I Wo Bus Companies Announced Their
results on Wednesday. Barton :ansport, Ltd., last year made a profit £33,812 before charging taxation of 7,671. A 15-per-cent. dividend is ing paid. East Kent Road Car Co.,......
It Lists The Products Of All A.m.d.g.e. Members, Is...
bound and contains 660 art,paper pages. Reprints of the first issue can be obtained from the Association at 11 Ironmonger Lane, London, E.C.2.......
Yugoslav Saurers
H EAVY Saurer lorries are to be manufactured in Yugoslav State factories. Last winter, various types of vehicle were tried over difficult roads in Yugoslavia, and the success of......
No Clyde Tunnel Yet
T HE Minister of Transport has refused to give Glasgow Corporation permission to proceed with the Whiteinch-Linthouse tunnel under the Clyde. Although he is aware of its......
Latest Minitruck Shown 'he Latest Version Of The Bond...
made by Sharps Comrcials, Ltd., Preston, is displayed at Motorcycle Show at Earls Court, ich closes tomorrow night. Priced at '4 12s. 6d., the vehicle now has a re powerful......
Fluipment Show On Paper Ossibly The Most Comprehensive...
transport service liproent ever produced, the latest )fication of the Association of nufacturers 'and Distributors of rage Equipment forms a valuable Tr's guide for engineers......
Bodywork Clause Resisted A Clause Seeking Power To Build...
their own bus bodies in Birmingham Corporation's new Parliamentary Bill is to be strongly opposed by an influential group of Conservative Members in the House of Commons. The......
S. Smith Make £566,118
A GROUP net profit, last year, of ri £566,118 was announced on Wednesday by S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd. This figure was reached after deducting £1,112,161 for taxation.......
B.r.s. Revenue Up By £1.7m.
T HE tendency for the revenue of British Road Services to rise and for tonnage and mileage to decline continues. In the first 40 weeks of this year tonnage dropped by 3.2m. and......
B.r.s. Object In Smalls Case Lthough They Have Decided To
I — I sell their smalls and parcels delivery vehicles, as reported on page 432, British Road Services on Monday Objected to an application by Mr. J. C. Shepherd, of Knowle,......
Service School On Wheels Rontinental Distributors Of...
vehicles will benefit soon from a mobile service school which the Rootes Group have placed in service. On completion of a tour of Switzerland, the school will visit France,......
New Thin-wall Bearings Thin-wall Bearings Are To Be Made I
by Dualloys, Ltd., Chard, Somerset, subsidiaries of Sterling Industries, Ltd. Mr. T. W. Vernon, chairman and managing director of the holding company, said on Tuesday that two......