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"stupid Rather Than Wicked"
A MAN who had been persuaded to change a 24-ton platform lorry for 74-tonner, on the promise of regular work between Warrington arid London and an A licence for the vehicle, was......
More Motorway Bans Unlikely
A LTHOUGH a London firm of PA hauliers with 100 vehicles have banned their drivers from using •the London-Birmingham motorway, similar action bymany other operators is unlikely.......
Why Services C Annot Continue
IMON-PAYING rural services could not 1 I continue so long as the Chancellor of the Exchequer took a high proportion of their revenue. Mr. A. F. R. Carling, chairman of the......
Paton Bros. Would Take Cream Of Traffic'
IF Paton Bros., Ltd., Renfrew, we I allowed to run their proposed sta service between Paisley and Glasgm their buses would be at every stop tv minutes ahead of those of the......
Crosville Oppose Transfer
W HEN Messrs. L. G. and H. i Phillips applied to the Nor Western Traffic Commissioners at Wre ham, on Monday, to take over six tou vehicles from Messrs. W. G. Richards1 and......
Welsh Road Grants
G RANTS of 65-75 per,cent. have bet made by the Government under ti Agriculture (Improvement • of RoaC Act for works on unclaSsified highwa in Wales. These would post a total......