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Service Not In Public Interest
THE general interest of the travelling . public, 'as" distinct from individual preference, requires any transport system to ' be basedon the uSe of some connetting facilities,......
Seven Hauliers Win Appeal
S EVEN northern haulage concerns successfully appealed to the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday against a decision of the Northern Licensing Authority.' An addition of two......
Christmas Plan An Augury ?
THE Minister of Transport's plans to relieve the pressure of traffic in the West End of London during the Christmas period are considered to augur Government intentions to deal......
Police Chiefs' Views On 31.1 Speed Limit
T HE chief constables of five counties through Which thi Lbridon-13i rmingham motorway runs think that it is too early yet to decide whether to impose a speed limit upon traffic......
Ford Cu't Hours_ And Raise Pay
T Ford Motor Co., Ltd., agreed on Tuesday to reduce the working week of some 41,000 employees from 42+ hours to 41+ hours withoitt loss of pay. It - Was agreed also that the......
28-year Record Spoiled Twenty-eight Years Without Con
viction, enjoyed by Harvey Bros. (Transport), Ltd., Coningsby, Lines, was spoiled last week. The concern were fined a total of £36 at Boston after admitting that they had......