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Toad Transport Growth From Wavier Lorries Is Inevitable,...
There is unlikely to be any practical :rnative to road delivery for most types goods over the next decade. The Department of the Environment has : forward this view forcibly in......
Oreign Lorry Checks Start Soon
The Government hopes that the mpdown on law-breaking foreign tmercial vehicles, resulting from the id Traffic (Foreign Vehicles) Bill will I within two months — well before the......
Ldoy Changes
• A change of plan for the North Midlands, Leicester, LDoY centre sets the date for Sunday June 11 at the Wholesale Fruit Market, Leicester. The Fleetwood event, too, has been......
First Round Sets High
by Bob Holliday • Effects of the newly introduced method of "charging" heavier penalties for touching kerbs, marker posts, pylons, etc, in the Lorry Driver of the Year......