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Could You Tell Me If Guy Motors Ever Made Their
own engine for their ides and if so what size was it, and when they stop making it? Guy did produce an engine for their vehicles between the end of the Second Id War and 1953.......
Q Could You Supply The Name Of A Manu
facturer of Electric Retarders, suitable for use on Ford DT1400 dump trucks, which have a gross vehicle weight of 24 tons. A The only manufacturer of electric retarders suitable......
Q With Reference To The Article In Cm December 31 1971
on the raising of plated weights, the article does not appear to cover my vehicle. I own a 1970 Ford DT 1700 six-wheeler, plated by the manufacturer at 24 tons gvw. I put this......
Q I Am Aged 22. My Current Driving
licence expires on April 15 1973, and is therefore of the old type. However, as I was under 21 when this licence was taken out, the licence states: "Motor vehicles of groups 2,......