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Increased Wages Proposals Of Central Board
A T its meeting on Tuesday of last week (August 11), the Road Haulage Central Wages Board, under the chairmanship of Sir Francis Floud, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., decided to......
Standardized Rates For Sugar-beet Haulage ?
A NOTHER important aspect of the problem of sugar-beet haulage rates arose at a Cambridge meeting Of interested parties last week, when Sir Ilaviland Hiley, Regional Transport......
Your Attendance Is Requested
A SPECIAL appeal is being made by the Northern Metropolitan Subarea to all members of Associated Road Operators to attend the adjourned annual general meetin,g,of the......
Acquisition Of Vehicles For Government Departments
A S from August 1, responsibility for the acquisition of all used vehicles required by Government Departments has been centralized in the Ministry. of War Transport. It has also......
Report On Organizing Postwar Transport
T HE Council of the London Chamber of Commerce has requested its transportation committee to prepare a report on the organization of all forms of transport after The war. This......