21st August 1942, Page 18
21st August 1942
Page 18

Page 18, 21st August 1942
Restriction On Delivery Of Retreaded Tyres
T HE Minisiry of Supply has reenforced the provision of the Control of Rubber Tyres (No. 4) Order which prohibited the delivery, by retreaders, of retreaded tyres to anyone......
Supercharging The Oil Engine: Paper Before I.a.e.
A T a general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, to be held at the Royal Society of Arts. John Street, London, W.C.2, on-September 1, at 6 p.m„ Mr. C. B.......
Carrying Capacity Doubled In Austerity Bus Convergion
A CCOMPANYING this description are two illustrations showing the exterior and interior of a Leyland coach operated by the Northern General Transport C.o., Ltd., of......