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National Pact For Municipal Busmen?
IT is announced that a meeting beltween the Transport and General Workers Union and municipal authorities is likely to be held shortlyto consider a national agreement for......
Standard Times For Starting Excursions.
rrHE North-Western Traffic Commis sioners are considering representations in connection with times for cornmencing half-day and evening excursinus, and concerning children's......
Western S.m.t. Co. Wins.
A FIER a protracted dispute between the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., and Gla.sgow Corporation, the company obtained authority, last Friday, to operate buses to and from its new......
Thames Buses Desirable.
A S a result of an inquiry into the matter, the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee reports that the provision of a regular passenger service on the River Thames......
Redcar Appeal Hearing.
T HE hearing of the two appeals of Redca.r Services, Ltd., against the: South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners' action in granting a licence to London Transport has now been fixed......
Elliott Bros. Licence Transfers.
CONFIRMING the statement pub pub lishedlast week, the Metropolitan and South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners have now announced a number of applications by the Southern National......
Is A Trolleybus A Stage Coach?
A RULING of considerable interest to trolleybus undertakings was given by the Doncaster West Riding Bench, on Tuesday. A summons was brought by the police under the Railway......
Application Fails After Two Appeals..
T HE Northern Traffic Commissioners have given a final decision concerning the Sunderland-Darlington route of the A.B.C. Bus Co. The company applied for the renewal of its......
Ten Minutes To Reach An Agreement.
A CCORDING to Sir John Maxwell, chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, there has, since he took up office, been a dispute between two operators concerning bus working......
Another Lincs Merger. I T Is Announced That The Lincolnshire
Road Car Co., Ltd., has acquired the business of the Skegness Motor Service Co. A number of improvements was made during the past season by the latter concern, and it is......