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What The Associ Ions Are Doing
Parliamentary Action on the "Blunder" VOLLOWING the revelation by The Commercial Motor of the extraordinary blunder in Section 11 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, questions......
Act Misinterpreted, Says C.m.u.a.
AISINTERPRETATION of the inMtentions of the 1933 Act was a charge levelled against Licensing Authorities in a report at the annual general meeting, in Manchester, on Wednesday......
M.p. Urges Association Membership
M EMBERSHIP of an association was desirable, for it makes matters much easier for administrators, said Mr. IL Ramsbottom. 0.B.E., M.P., at the annual dinner of the Morecambe,......
Yorkshire Merger: Final Details
D ETAILS for the amalgamation of Lthe Yorkshire area of A.R.O. and the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators Association have now been settled. As the Y.S.C.O.A. has agreed to sink......
Nottingham Managers Appreciate S.t.r.'s Lecture.
A keen and interested audience attended the lecture by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, when he addressed members of the Nottingham and District Industrial Traffic......
Lectures To Trade Classes.
So much interest has been aroused in the lectures to trade classes and so many inquiries received for reports of them that the publicity committee of the Furniture Warehousemen......