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Fug) Canter To Be Fitted With Fpt Engine From 2009
DA IMLERCI IRYSLER and Fiat Powertrain Technologies (FPT) have agreed a major supply deal. which will see the Fuso Canterfitted with an FPT engine from 2009. FPT will supply......
Hse Says That Finns Using Forklifts Must Assess Risks
Birthday honour for FTAs Turner RICHARD TURNER, chief executive of the Freight Transport Association (FTA), has been made an OBE for services to transport in the Queen's......
Powertrain Deal
AB Volvo is investing more than 2122m in Volvo Powertrain to boost manufacturing capacity by 20% for heavy diesel engines and 50% for heavy gearboxes.......
Smokes Seized
Over the past eight weeks, HM Revenue and Customs has seized more than seven million cigarettes with a duty value of around 21.5m in containers at Tilbury.......
Opinions Sought
The government is to publish a consultation paper to gauge opinion on lowering the legal drinking and driving limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100m1 of blood to 50mg and the......
Port Partnership
Eurotunnel and Port of Dunkirk have signed a strategic partnership agreement to develop a co-ordinated approach to rail freight activities.......
Skills Pledge
More than 150 employers from across England, including organisations from the automotive and transport sector, have signed a Skills Pledge to train their 1.7 million staff in......
Work Halted
Weekend roadworks on the Forth Bridge will be suspended for the summer and start up again on 7 September.......