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St Year's Rates For 30pc Of Drivers
In the West Midlands, where -nployers have offered £81 in.ead of the current £79.50 per , eek, CM spoke to 13 drivers. ix of them were on the £79.50 asic, two were earning less......
My: What's He Damage?
-IE EXACT rates of vehicle exse duty have now been pubtled by the Department of ansport, and have been in fect since March 10 in England, ;otland and Wales. All rates are based......
Rogers Flays Government
THE INDUSTRY'S reaction against last week's Budget boiled on thi! week, and as the 20p increase in tax on petrol has kept politician! on their toes, so the equivalent tax on......
Uk Roads On The Mend
BRITAIN'S roads are getting bet ter, according to the Nationa Road Maintenance Conditiot Survey. Over the five years of the sur vey there has been a "trend to wards improvement"......